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The REAL, Yet Hidden, Power of Network Marketing
by Joe Bingham

Network marketing is POWERFUL, or at least it can be.

Word of mouth is as old as the human race and with the sheer numbers of people online, the Internet has taken that power to new heights.

Unfortunately, however, the Internet has hit some all time lows with it as well.

With so many caught up in 'instant' sales and 'instant' profits, a general attitude of simply 'sell whatever you think will sell' has evolved and sorely damaged the name of network marketing.

However, what's worse, the 'sell whatever you think will sell' attitude has HIDDEN from view one of the most valuable GEMS of knowledge all network marketers should be fully aware of.

Products do NOT sell themselves. People sell them. People do NOT recruit themselves. YOU recruit them.

PASSION and BELIEF in your business are the ONLY elements that can both provide motivation to you and attract and testify to your potential customers or recruits WHY they should investigate you or your business further.

Honestly, network marketing is not that easy. Internet marketing is not the 'breeze' many would have you believe. Sure, you can achieve tremendous results because of the potential it presents, but, like anything, it will take some effort.

Now, what better to give you the day in and day out motivation you need to succeed than to passionately believe in your business?

People that excel in work or play do so because they work whole heartedly toward their goals. Now how easy can that be when working with a program you joined simply because you 'think' it will sell? Are you still going to care about it once you realize the 'quick and easy' profits are not coming in?

Now turn things around. Think simply about human nature. When was the last time you saw an in depth interview on television of someone who was unemployed, poor, and struggling to get by? I don't mean to put anyone down who is suffering from hard times, I've been there too often myself, but do we really care what someone in that position has to say?

No! We look to those who are successful, excelling, and at the top of their profession for inspiration. Those are the people we admire, make into our heroes, and try to emulate.

Why? Because that's where we ALL want to be and we want to KNOW how they did it!

And what was it that drove those people to be in that enviable position?

PASSION and BELIEF in themselves and what they are doing!

Simply put, DON'T try selling what you THINK will sell, get into a program or set of products that endorses a CONCEPT you believe in or has a real VALUE you can express to others.

I guarantee it will provide you more motivation to keep yourself working to meet your goals AND it will attract more other people to you as they see how what you are doing is important in your own life.

Obviously, this can be as simple as only endorsing re-sell items that you have found valuable to your own self, or as dynamic as getting involved with organizations that can really make a difference in people's lives or their environment.

What you believe in is up to you, but there is MORE money to be made in following your beliefs and passions, and showing them to others, than falling into the deadly trap of trying to 'sell what you think will sell'.

THAT is the REAL power behind network marketing, and your key to a more successful, enjoyable and meaningful life.

About the Author: Joe Bingham is a widely published and acclaimed Internet marketing author. His business includes doing promotional article writing for Internet businesses and the NetPlay Newsletter ezine. NetPlay is: *Unique *Informative *Better What are you missing at NetPlay today? Visit Now!



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